Saturday 23 August 2014

Review: MAC Fix + Spray

Hi Everyone!

Today's review is on one of MAC's staple items which I am sure you all have heard of before. 
I have always wanted to try MAC Fix + but never did because i thought that it wasn't worth it and its not something that I 'need' in my collection. 
Boy was I wrong! I purchased this two weeks ago when my skin was severely dehydrated from using my clairisonic (more about this is an upcoming post) and it has transformed my skin and my makeup application. 
Along with a massive switch up of face products Fix + helped to hydrate my skin and help my foundation look better on the flaky dry patches while I was repairing my skin. 

MAC claims: An aqua-spritz of vitamins and minerals, infused with calm the skin blend of green tea, chamomile, cucumber, topped off with the fresh, natural, energizing scent of Sugi. Adds radiance, finishes makeup. Spray it on. Skin drinks it up. 

I use Fix + religiously on a daily basis, my makeup application is not the same without it.
There are so many different ways to use MAC's Fix +, you can spray it on bare skin after cleansing and before your makeup to add hydration without that greasy look. It absorbs into the face super fast. 

I also like to spray my beautyblender sponge with this after wetting it with water like normal. Spraying the sponge with some Fix + just helps the foundation bounce onto the skin flawlessly and eliminate my foundation sticking to dry flaky patches, it also gives my skin a nice dewy glow without looking like a grease ball. 

Fix + can also be applied after you finish powdering to take away that over powdered look and make your skin appear glowy and natural. 

In the middle of the day when i touch up my foundation i powder and spray some Fix + and my makeup is good to go for the rest of the day. This routine helps my skin look healthy and glowy but at the same time I can powder away that oiliness. 

You can also use MAC's Fix + to foil your eyeshadow and to help not so pigmented eyeshadows look way better! You just spritz a bit of Fix + on your brush and apply your shadow. 

You can add this straight to cream products to help them apply smoother or spray it into your foundation, there is endless uses for this product! 

I definitely think it is worth its $27.00 price tag. 
My skin is not the same without it, it definitely 'drinks it up'!
You can purchase this product at your local MAC store or counter or online here or you can try a smaller travel sized Fix + here for $15.00 before purchase the full size. 

Thanks so much for reading! 

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